The NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) Code of Conduct is designed to ensure that all individuals working with NDIS participants, including service providers and workers, maintain high standards of safe and ethical service delivery. Below are the key elements of the NDIS Code of Conduct, along with a simple description of each:
Act with Respect for Individual Rights to Freedom of Expression: Workers must respect and support the rights of people with disabilities to make their own decisions and express themselves as they choose.
Respect the Privacy of People with Disability: Personal information of individuals must be handled confidentially and securely, respecting their privacy at all times.
Provide Supports and Services Safely and Competently: Services must be delivered safely and effectively, with the necessary skills and competencies to meet the needs of people with disabilities.
Act with Integrity, Honesty, and Transparency: Workers should conduct themselves with integrity, ensuring that their actions are honest, transparent, and build trust with the people they support.
Promptly Take Steps to Raise and Respond to Concerns about Matters that May Impact the Quality and Safety of Supports and Services: Any concerns regarding the safety, quality, or effectiveness of services should be addressed quickly and appropriately to prevent harm.
Respect the Rights of People with Disability to Control Their Own Lives: This includes recognizing the right of people with disabilities to make decisions about their own lives, including their right to take risks, to refuse services, and to have their choices respected.
Prevent and Respond to Violence, Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation, or Discrimination: Workers have a responsibility to prevent harm and must take action if they are aware of or suspect violence, abuse, neglect, exploitation, or discrimination.
Support People with Disability to Exercise Their Rights Under the NDIS: This involves assisting individuals to understand and exercise their rights within the NDIS framework, including making complaints or changing providers if necessary.
The NDIS Code of Conduct reflects a commitment to safe, respectful, and quality service provision for people with disabilities. It sets out clear expectations for behaviour and practices to protect and empower NDIS participants.